Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Easy Chili Relleno's

Chili Relleno's are my absolute fav Mexican dish! After our favorite Mexican restaurant closed down I was determined to learn how to make my own! It's much easier then I thought it would be!
You will need: Anaheim peppers
Egg roll wrappers
Your choice of cheese, Mozzarella, Cheddar or Cream Cheese
Pan and oil or deep fryer

Place your peppers on a cookie sheet in the oven on high broil. You will want your pepper to blister. This usually takes about 5 min but will varies on the size of the pepper. Turn the peppers so they are blistered all the way around.

After your peppers are have blistered as much as possible place them in a plastic bag and leave them for 10 min. This will make the peppers "sweat" and make it easier to remove the skin. They will look like this...
Peel your peppers, removing as much skin as possible. Cut the pepper in half and then cut length wise and fill with cheese.
Wrap the stuffed pepper half in an egg roll wrapper egg roll style.

Place the wrapped pepper in hot oil and fry it til crispy. These are great topped with salsa, enchilada sauce and sour cream.

A few chili facts! The "heat" from the pepper comes from the oil's in the seeds. They more you handle your pepper the hotter it will be. Putting your peppers in the fridge will chili the oils and make the peppers less hot.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Drop cloth addiction!

I have a serious addiction to drop cloth! I love love love the look of the material! Not to mention that you can get it at a serious bargain compared to purchasing material at a fabric store! I bought a 9ft x 6ft cloth and have gotten 2 french door curtains, a valance and a basket liner out of it! Pretty sure there's some good savings there compared to what you would pay for already made ones!

I don't have my french door curtains hung yet as I'm in the process of sanding and staining those but here is the valance I made. I'm a self taught sewer and am always quite excited when my projects turn out as I intended! I seem to do better with making up my own patterns then I do with using the store bought ones! For this valance I thought I'd try my hand at doing a ruffle. It turned out pretty good in my opinion!

I have some serious plans for those cabinets too! Oh, and Im meeting my Aunt next month to pick up her old embroidery machine. How great would this fabric look with something embroidered in black??

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Boys room teaser

When we moved into this house the boys room was pink. This didn't go over very well with my youngest who detests pink! My cousin taught him that "Pink makes you stink" and he is fully convinced that it is true! So their room was the first to get madeover. In the old houseI spent days painting murals on the wall. Thomas the Tank, barns, sheep, and pirates. I enjoyed painting the walls as well as showing the boys the completed project! In our new house their room is much smaller and I have lots of painting on my plate so I thought I would go with something much simpler. I was super excited to find the deep red that I wanted to use as an accent color on the oops shelf at Lowes!

I picked up some canvas at Hobby Lobby and used my Cricut to make a stencil for the first letter of each of their names. I painted it on and then blotted it back off. I love the faded look I got!

I found a couple vintage biplane ads on eBay for 3.50 and the frames on clearance at Michales for $5.99

I also found these propellers on eBay. I got all 3 of them for $4.75. Painted on some stripes and sanded them back down a little bit...

Then glued them to the back of this frame. Another Michales clearance purchase for 3.60. I wrapped the back in drop cloth (my latest obsession!!)

I love the simple look of their room. It is something that the boys won't out grow for quite a while and the pops of red here and there don't over do the small room. I spent a total of $29.83 on everything and got a whole new look. I am working on some headboards made from an old 6 panel door left in our barn. Once I get those done I will give you the full reveal!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First project down!

I finally had a chance this weekend to get a few projects done! It was perfect weather for project day Saturday. It started raining here Friday afternoon and didn't stop until Saturday evening. So I decided to tackle the fireplace. The brick was a peachy-pink which brought out the pink in the carpet.

I also started on the living room walls this weekend. It sure feels good to cover up those dirty white walls! I wanted to use a gray but every gray sample I brought home looked metallic when the sun hit it. As of right now we don't have a ceiling light in our living room so our light is either lamps or sun. So I went with a blue-gray which turned out to be more of a blue. A color I swore wasn't going to put in this house! We had it in the bathroom, boys bedroom, our room and the basement of the old house. All in different shades but still felt so over the color blue! Maybe this will grow on me once I get stuff hung up. That's what I love about paint, if you don't like it you can change it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A few before and afters of our old house

I had high (and admittedly completely out of reach) hopes of actually being able to start posting before and afters of the new house at this point. Apparently, 1.5 weeks is not enough time for me to get much more then some unpacking done! Who woulda thought the 4 extra kids running around would slow me down THAT much?...Really? So, much to the dismay of my I wanna have a blog itch, I will have to stick with sharing some of our old house with you until I can make it to the bottom of my pile of boxes!
My husband and I bought our first home four and a half years ago when the real estate market was booming and zooming. Every time we found a house that fit our requirements (basement, 3 bedrooms and 2 car garage) it was gone before we could even get an offer in! Along the way we learned a lot about buying a home. First lesson learned, have a good agent. One that has your best interests at heart, not her own! I could go on about that all day, but I'll spare you all the pain of enduring that! We grabbed up this house knowing we were going to have to put a lot into in to make it the home we wanted. Lucky for me, my husband is a awesome carpenter and was inspired as much as I was to make lots of changes!

So without further adieu and blah blah blahing here are the pictures....(que drum roll here)

For the life of me I can't get this picture to stay in it place! My husband built this butcher block counter top with a leaf inlay.
Outside shortly after we bought the place. We had already replaced the front door and were too excited to get it done to wait for pictures!! from our listing

World's cutes little helper! He doesn't look anything like that anymore!:(

I failed to take before pics of most of our remodeling so these are mostly afters with a few before tossed in the mix!

Man cave in our teeny tiny basement

I'm pretty sure the bathroom was really this dark and gloomy-not an effect of my poor camera skills

More of my husbands skills! He built the corner cabinet and sink.