I had high (and admittedly completely out of reach) hopes of actually being able to start posting before and afters of the new house at this point. Apparently, 1.5 weeks is not enough time for me to get much more then some unpacking done! Who woulda thought the 4 extra kids running around would slow me down THAT much?...Really? So, much to the dismay of my I wanna have a blog itch, I will have to stick with sharing some of our old house with you until I can make it to the bottom of my pile of boxes!
My husband and I bought our first home four and a half years ago when the real estate market was booming and zooming. Every time we found a house that fit our requirements (basement, 3 bedrooms and 2 car garage) it was gone before we could even get an offer in! Along the way we learned a lot about buying a home. First lesson learned, have a good agent. One that has your best interests at heart, not her own! I could go on about that all day, but I'll spare you all the pain of enduring that! We grabbed up this house knowing we were going to have to put a lot into in to make it the home we wanted. Lucky for me, my husband is a awesome carpenter and was inspired as much as I was to make lots of changes!
So without further adieu and blah blah blahing here are the pictures....(que drum roll here)
For the life of me I can't get this picture to stay in it place! My husband built this butcher block counter top with a leaf inlay.
After...photos from our listing
World's cutes little helper! He doesn't look anything like that anymore!:(
LOVE the old fashioned sink!!!