Friday, July 30, 2010

Bench Redo

I rescued this old bench in the storage shed of our last house. I threw a coat of primer on it planning on doing more with it someday but never got any farther! Today I decided it was time to finish what I started, I gave it a couple good coats of white spray paint. Here is a picture of it all painted up. Then I got the necessity's for adding a picture to the top. Dr Pepper, and my computer to watch a show while I worked.

I cut stencils from my Cricut, traced them out and filled them in. I set it our under a couple Pine trees by the bird feeder in the front yard a perfect place to relax!

I feel that something is missing though. Can't quite put my finger on it yet. I have to stare at it a bit and see what jumps out at me. Any suggestions?

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